Other works
Instinctive Suppression of Dissent
(posting to SCIFRAUD mail list of Oct.15, 2001)
Thanks John,
You have touched the theme that seemed to me most disturbing in the quoted NYT publication (http://www.globalexchange.org/september11/nyt092801.html) yet, of course, I have slightly different views.
You should remember that some time ago I have found some surprising gaps in news coverage by anglophonic press. At first, I have found out that information about unprecedented corruption scandal in Nobel committee has never been published in English; then (just recently) that information about existence of warnings about WTC attack was also ignored by American press. Let's also add a hundred-fold discrepancy in estimations of the number of killed Cambodians which also seems to be caused by some omissions in press. Now, in that article I see an explanation why it happens. I am not satisfied with your concept of market discipline. Indeed, you are right that the cases described in the article are compatible with your explanation. Yet these are extreme cases occuring only in this extreme situation. Under normal circumstances it is usually rather difficult to predict the market effect of every single publication. There should be some much simpler rule of thumb with which the editor or manager could decide within seconds when some item in the incoming flow of news should be ignored.
In my opinion, the clue is given by the very fact of violent public reaction in described cases which, apparently, does not encounter many objections. People, obviously, don't want to see (read) what they do not like; and they express their will actively and, evidently, very successfully. It is reasonable to think that under normal circumstances similar reaction against similar materials is performed by editors. Just because editors are also a part of their people rather than because of their attitude to listen to "volkestimme".
So the simple rule of thumb seems to be that "UNPALATABLE" materials should not be published. Indeed, it seems unpalatable to count killed Cambodians; it seems unpalatable to know that Nobel prize may be bought for 9 million dollars; and, of course, it is unpalatable to think that (probably) WTC events might be prevented by moving several bureaucratic asses. So, this is the explanation of information disappearances.
I have plagiarized this term from the Nature editorial (358:187, 1992) where John Maddox actually urged other editors to reject submission if it seems to be "unpalatable" for the majority of scientists working in that field. Some time ago I have already shortly mentioned that outstanding publication (Apr.11, 2000).
Certainly, I like this word. First, its meaning is rather obscure so it may be interpreted in the most flexible manner. Let's say that "unpalatable" means "unprofitable" and we have description of market discipline and corruption of any colour. Let's say that it means "ideologically unacceptable" and we have any form of political suppression.
And second, most important, I think this term correctly reflects the fact that there is usually a significant instinctive, subconscious, intuitive, illogical (choose whatever you want) component in the process of selecting works for suppression.
That is, I can't explain why I like tea and don't like coffee. Similarly, it is often necessary to FEEL what work should be suppressed rather than to explain who is offended and why it is unpalatable. In the NYT article the case with German composer seems to be the most telling in this regard (it was also described in more details in postings by Peter Hinkle of Sept.19). Below are two other examples
Example No.1 -- Ignaz Semmelweis
I think, the most unpalatable discovery in the history of science was made by Ignaz Semmelweis -- now considered to be the "father of modern hygiene". Working in Vienna hospital, in 1847 he realized that the childbed fever in expectant mothers is caused by infection transmitted by hands of medical personnel when they come straight from the autopsy room. He ordered his students to wash their hands before doing vaginal examinations -- and mortality rates immediately dropped. Quite naturally, his views were rejected, and murderous practice continued for many many years. Semmelweis left Vienna in 1854 and ultimately developed a serious mental illness. He died at the age of 42 in 1865 in an insane asylum "possibly from beatings by asylum guards".
There are no questions about behaviour of Viennese medical society, Semmelweis's claims were unpalatable to them in every possible meaning of this word. But what about the relatives of died women? From instinctive point of view, it seems unpalatable to assume guilt of a doctor. Yet, with minimal attitude to think and with availability of information about Semmelweis's claims sooner or later some high-ranking husband of victim might start to ask questions. Apparently, instinctive behaviour prevailed.
By the way, an interesting mental experiment: suppose that Ignaz Semmelweis has made his discovery today -- is there any hope for him for happier outcome?
Example No.2 -- Edward Gerrard
Here is some fun. In brief, opponents of Ted Gerrard say that birds posses some sophisticated navigation techniques -- navigation by stars, by magnetic field, perhaps something else. Ted meticulously examined experiments supporting this claim and demonstrated that ALL experimental designs yielding positive results have serious methodological flaws. And, he says, that all apparent navigation effects may be explained by trivial phototactic reactions like flying from the dark room to the bright source of light.
At first glance, both points of view on this problem have equal chances to survive. That is, perhaps, Ted has troubles because he was slightly out of luck, or Yet, according to the concept of unpalatable research Ted was destined to be an outright dissenter. His works are really unpalatable. Let's look who is the offended part.
Apparently, I had the right qualification in the field of birds' navigation to come at the explanation following below. Before acquaintance with Ted my education in this field was limited by reading tales by Seton-Thompson some 30 years ago... When I was reading Ted's works I completely agreed with all his methodological arguments but suddenly I have caught myself at the thought that I sincerely wish him to be wrong. What's happening? - I asked myself. Then I recalled Seton-Thompson and quickly realized that thanks to those tales read in childhood, I just subconsciously want birds to be CLEVER while, certainly, Ted argues that they are STUPID. So, instinctively and subconsciously his works were unpalatable even to me.
Furthermore, people who become ornithologists usually choose this rare profession because they do like birds (which is not the case with me -- I don't like birds, in my youth I even liked to spit at the pigeons walking on Moscow pavements). Therefore, evidently, they should experience much more serious negative feelings against Ted. There were absolutely no chance for him to find understanding among colleges.
Now let's answer who was the offended part in this story. The fundamental cause of all Ted's troubles, including libel suit against him is that his works insult BIRDS! Isn't it funny?